

NOTE: Do not try to find a firmware files here. The microcode (firmware) is part of the configurator software and is loaded from it.


Firmware for tBeacon Findy (and the firmware loader) are located on another page.

Configurator utility is for tBeacon Onyx and Lime. only

The configurator of this version is designed as a progressive web application (PWA) and requires either Google Chrome , Microsoft Edge , Yandex Browser or another modern browser with PWA and Web Serial API support.

The configurator could be installed on a PC for use without an Internet connection.

tBeacon configurator 0.71

NOTE: after pressing the Connect button and selecting the desired COM port, you must click the another "Connect" button. This is a web browser security requirement.

Configurator utility is for tBeacon Onyx and Lime. only

The configurator of this version is designed as a progressive web application (PWA) and requires either Google Chrome , Microsoft Edge , Yandex Browser or another modern browser with PWA and Web Serial API support.

The configurator could be installed on a PC for use without an Internet connection.

tBeacon configurator 0.71

NOTE: after pressing the Connect button and selecting the desired COM port, you must click the another "Connect" button. This is a web browser security requirement.

Configurator utility is for tBeacon Onyx and Lime. only

The configurator of this version is designed as a progressive web application (PWA) and requires either Google Chrome , Microsoft Edge , Yandex Browser or another modern browser with PWA and Web Serial API support.

The configurator could be installed on a PC for use without an Internet connection.

tBeacon configurator 0.70

NOTE: after pressing the Connect button and selecting the desired COM port, you must click the another "Connect" button. This is a web browser security requirement.

This is a configurator for beacons of the previous generation only (Blue, Green. Amber. Black)

  • Retranslator mode. This is an aerial search mode using a second beacon (of any model).
  • The beacon as a "buzzer" for the flight controller.
  • Support for CTCSS subtones for transmission and as an activation tone.
  • Tone signal for the Proximity mode (in a response, the beacon reports the signal level by a sound pitch).
  • Reworked the GPS track storage in EEPROM.
  • tBeacon Indigo support.
  • Small bugfixes.

This firmware version is the last one for ATMega based beacons (Blue, Green, Amber. Black, Indigo). Only bugfixes are possible.


NOTE: In rare occasions 0.59 firmware can incorrectly reade EEPROM data, that were saved by the previous version (0.58). This is observed as a "hang up" after initial hello tone. This is corrected by a forced reset to default settings.

tBeacon configurator (win32)

tBeacon configurator (macOS)

tBeacon configurator (Linux)

  • Completely redesigned configurator with modern design. Support for Windows, macOS and Linux;
  • UBX-PVT GPS protocol support (iNav, u-blox 8);
  • tBeacon mini and tBeacon Black support;
  • Contactless power off support (for Amber>=6.7 and Black>=7.7);
  • LiPo care feature (option in the configurator);
  • The pattern of search beeps has been changed: strong - three beeps, medium - two, weak - one;
  • Voltage Sensor Calibration;
  • Reading GPS even if timer activation has already been triggered;
  • Reduced transmission power of initial GPS coordinates;
  • Changed the pattern of LED blinking;
  • Implemented initial support for digital protocol and repeater;
  • Radio module self-test feature;
  • More stringent check of the battery status at the beacon start;
  • Fixed satellites number in NMEA;
  • Coordinate formatting errors fixed (DD MM.MMM);
  • Fixed incorrect track download;
  • Many small fixes and improvements.

tBeacon configurator (win32)

tBeacon configurator (macOS)

tBeacon configurator (Linux)


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